Those who know Your name trust in You because You have not abandoned those who seek You, Yahweh. Psalms 9:10
For the wicked one boasts about his own cravings; the one who is greedy curses and despises the Lord .
But You Yourself have seen trouble and grief, observing it in order to take the matter into Your hands. The helpless entrusts himself to You; You are a helper of the fatherless. Psalms 10:3,14
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Christ the King, Lord of Lords, Savior, Jesus, Son of God, Helper, Provider, Refuge, Rock, Protector, Creator, Sustainer…
When i know His name, i trust Him. When i recognize my own helplessness, i entrust myself to His Name, the truth of Who He is. When i forget Who He is, i entrust myself to me own devices and despise my Protector, Provider, and Refuge.